If you look around your community you can find ways to participate in some of the most rewarding things that are happening. When I look around my own community I find wonderful people doing amazing things.
Every Saturday someone goes to the local bread shop and picks up 4 large bags of day-old bread and delivers it to the local homeless shelter for their "Souper Center". Every week someone takes the donated groceries from the church to the local food pantry that feeds hundred's of desperate families every day.
Linda Schneider, founder of Self Sustaining Communities (SSC) in Richmond, CA has started several self-sustaining communities in the Richmond area. They are an organization working with low-income residents, community residents and city officials to create sustainable local food production in distressed and needy neighborhoods. What awesome work she is doing in and for our community. What a difference in people's lives she is making. One person at a time....one community at a time.
The organization started with delivering fruit trees to the local low income areas of the East Bay. There have been 9400 fruit, nut and olive trees donated since 2009. Chickens, rabbits, beehives, gardens, etc, have been up and running by the local community residents. They take care of it themselves with the help of members and volunteers of other local communities.
Look around...can you see the passion around you and the potential to join in? I challenge you today to find your passion, be involved in your community and bring others with you. What's your vision for your community? You can play a big part in the lives of those around you just by picking up the bread and delivering it to the local homeless shelter.
Follow Your Passion
Cynthia Cosco